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Recently Featured on CLT Agenda

My listing at 2118 Birchrest Drive was featured in the CLT Agenda last week right before going under contract over a giant open house weekend. Here is the story on the property, and why it was a win-win for everyone! I was able to find this house off market for an investor and negotiate the purchase for a discounted price which helped that seller solve their problem and get out of a bad situation with a good profit quickly. It also was a good deal for the investor to be able to renovate and sell for a nice profit. It was beautifully renovated, staged, and marketed.

A buy and hold investor purchased it and rented it out to great tenants so that he is able to make monthly cashflow and a family is able to live in a great home near Uptown. This was an awesome project and an all around success for everyone involved.

Take a look at the news article on Charlotte Agenda